No.05 木綿地 まとい・小判・漏斗等

No.05 木綿地 まとい・小判・漏斗等

No.04 紺木綿地餅模様

No.04 紺木綿地餅模様

No.03 更紗・花模様

No.03 更紗・花模様

No.02 黒木綿地・鶴亀模様(鶴亀 松竹梅)

No.02 黒木綿地・鶴亀模様(鶴亀 松竹梅)

No.01 紺木綿地桐鳳凰模様

No.01 紺木綿地桐鳳凰模様





順路1 夜着回廊



順路2 夜着回廊からホール


順路3 ホールから蔵1階


順路4 蔵1階から蔵2階


順路5 蔵2階


順路6 蔵2階からホール


順路7 ホールから衣回廊


順路8 衣回廊から砥部焼・淡黄磁


順路9 砥部焼・淡黄磁から 座敷・人形・玩具






TOBE OLD DAYS LIFE&ART MUSEUM was a hub of commerce of Umeno Pottery known for Baizangama established in 1882.
Museum is composed of merchant house built by Umeno family in Taisho period and Kura for shipment. Kura has an open ceiling in the center with truss frame structure on the second floor.
Looking at this historical architecture makes you think about the people in the past. It can be said that it is an industrial heritage in Tobe.
UMENO Tsuruichi(1890-1969) and his son UMENO Takenosuke (1921-1999) developed Baizangama from Taisho period to Showa period. Tsuruichi built these house and Kura.
Tsuruichi contributed not only to the promotion of Tobe ware but also to the development of Tobe town as a mayor.








Meaning of two family crests

Museum logo arranges Umeno family crest and Toyoshima family crest. Umeno family crest can be traced back to MAEDA Toshiie of Kaga Domain in the lineage of SUGAWARA Michizane. Toyoshima family crest is said to come from Date Domain or Hosokawa Domain. We unravel the mystery why two family crests are arranged.

Matsuko(1926- ), daughter of Tsuruichi married a doctor TOYOSHIMA Yoshio. They opened a clinic at this house in 1950. Then they built a modern clinic made of reinforced concrete designed by GOTO Shuichi at the location of Kura in 1956.

Umeno developed Tobe ware and Toyoshima contributed to local healthcare. Matsuko made a huge amount of collections with the support of both families. That is why two family crests are arranged to evaluate a collaboration of both families.

Old daily necessities, materials and art collections are stored and exhibited in this museum.